To order school and sports pictures, simply select the 'Order Photo' link on our website. From there, choose either the Presale or Late Sale option, select the relevant school or league, and then choose the event for which you're placing an order.

If you prefer to pay by cash or check, you can complete the paper order form available at the school prior to picture day, or on the day of sports picture day.

Yes! Picture are available after the picture day to view and order, once they are edited and processed by our team. 

For school pictures, retake or absent day is scheduled typically 1 month after the initial picture day.

For sports pictures, we do not office retakes unless the individual is a senior. If this applies to you, please contact us and we will work to schedule a retake session at the best available time.

Photos are processed or delivered based on how and when the orders are placed. Please refer to the 'Order Photos' link for further information.

Sports actions pictures are FREE to view and download! You can view and access at photos.pastorphoto.com.